Monday, August 24, 2015

Weekend Update - 8/22/2015

This was a big weekend!  Luke had his first soccer game of the season and scored 2 goals!  He wasn't really into playing, but still played really well.  It was so nice, everyone came to watch the game - Ally, Mawmaw, Mamaw, Uncle Dave, Aunt Tami, Aunt Tammy.  Luke is so lucky to have all the support that he has. 

(Did I mention that he has the cutest Assistant Coach ever?  I will make sure to get a picture at our next game.  One hint who it is - he looks just like Mr. Lucas!)

It was a big weekend for the house as well.  We looked at carpet and had our interior doors changed to be the 6 panel doors.  Total gamechanger.  It looks so amazing!  It's funny, we have lived with the dark brown doors for 11 years, but now with the new white doors everything looks so different!  We are trying to update the house little by little before the baby gets here. 

To do list
Carpet the bedrooms and the front room
Install hardwood on the stairs
Install hardwood in the upstairs hallway
Update the railing in the overhang
Update the finished wood piece on the stairway
Paint the entire downstairs
Paint the new doors upstairs
Install new trim upstairs?

On Saturday night we also went to Drew and Megan's house.  Drew is home for this weekend, so it was really nice to just hang out with them.  I feel so lucky to have great neighbors and just love Emerson...she is so sweet!

On Sunday I spent some time at my parents house and then hung out with my two handsome dudes.  Last minute Luke and I decided to go see the Minions movie, we needed some special time with just the two of us.  Love that kid!

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