Monday, August 24, 2015

Luke's first day of Kindergarten

When did my baby get so big?!? 
Lucas was so excited for the first day of school, so confident, so happy...Leave it to me to be an emotional mess!  We had open house the night before school so he could learn where his classroom was and meet his teacher again.  He did great! Luke and Matt went through all the activities while I filled out paperwork through tears.  I cried the entire know it is bad when your five year old tells you it will be okay! 
We got up on the first day of school and he was so happy go lucky, not really realizing what was going on.  Matt and I took him down and walked him to his room.  I was fine - no tears in sight - until Indigo came up to talk to Luke.  Just the fact that she went out of her way to find him and talk to him made me burst into tears.  We walked him to his classroom and I just continued crying.  Keep in mind that no other parents were crying...They were more like - lets go get some Starbucks and go to target!  I'm like - my baby is all grown up, next thing I know he will be getting married and moving out!  It is totally ridiculous and everyone keeps telling me it is just because of my pregnancy hormones.  If only it was just my hormones!  This is just me, an emotional mess!
Matt and I then picked Luke up after school and I thought for sure I would be able to hold it together (I should have known better).   When he came through the gym doors holding Aiden's hand my heart just exploded!  The kindness that Aiden and Indigo have shown has just blown me away.  They are making this transition to kindergarten so much easier, for Luke and I both.  It makes me feel so happy to know that they go out of their way for Luke to make sure he is okay and everything is good.  sigh... they are such good kids! 
AND - the biggest news ever.... Luke lost his first tooth on his first day of school!  He said he pulled it out while his entire class was surrounding him.  Apparently  that gives you major street cred in Kindergarten.  lol.  His cute little toothless grin is so cute!

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