Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Baby #2!

So... this happened!

Due date: 11/25/15
How far along: 24 weeks aka 6 MONTHS!!!
Gender: BOY!
Maternity clothes: For the most part I have been getting by with my pregnancy clothes from when I was pregnant with Lucas and tops I already have in my closet.
Weight gain: At my doctor's appointment today i was up 1 lb from last month.  The nurse said I was up 4 lbs total, but I thought I was only at +1 from last time... hmmm...
Sleep: Overall, not so bad.  If I could only get Luke to stay in his bed all night and not wake me up!!
Workouts: Long walks in Target - does that count?
Stretch Marks?: aplenty!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button In or out?: In
Wedding rings on or off?: wedding band on, engagement ring too tight
Pregnancy symptoms: none really
Are you showing yet?: Yes!
Best moment this week: Matt is almost done with his summer session of grad school!  YAY!  This summer session has been hard for all of us because he has the same class M/W, so not a lot of free time. 
Movement: I can officially see him moving around through my shirt.  I can't wait for Luke to feel him kicking. 
Miss anything?: really missing having a beer...
Cravings: nothing really. 
Queasy or sick: not really...although I did get sick last week when we were out to dinner.  I had to leave it was so bad!
Nursery: still mostly set up from Mr. Lucas.  We are planning on starting to get it back in working order over the next month while Matt is on school break. 
Latest doctor's appointment: Today, 24 weeks.  Everything went well.  They gave me another ultrasound bc last month the baby wasn't cooperating when it came time to get pics of the heart.  Today he looked good!  The technician said with the height and weight measurements, he is exactly in the 54th percentile.  I'm thinking that is a good thing and he will be more like his brother and less like his daddy!  Matt was a 10 lb baby, whereas Luke was 6 lb 13oz. 
Next appointment: Next Dr. appt is 9/1/15.  Glucose test - Yuck!
Looking forward to: Spending a lot more time with Matt and Lucas this next month!

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