Thursday, September 3, 2015

28 Week Bumpdate

Due date: 11/25/15
How far along: 28 weeks
Gender: BOY!
Maternity clothes: For the most part I have been getting by with my pregnancy clothes from when I was pregnant with Lucas and tops I already have in my closet.  I will admit that I got a few new pairs of jeans yesterday - my jeans from Luke just won't fit.  Nothing like a pregnant lady with her pants falling down!
Weight gain: I gained 3 more lbs this past month for a total of 6. 
Sleep: Sleeping really well.  Matt and Luke were so kind and bought me a body pillow and it has made a world of a difference.
Workouts: workout shmirkout...
Stretch Marks?: aplenty!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button In or out?: In
Wedding rings on or off?: wedding band on, engagement ring too tight
Pregnancy symptoms: Morning sickness returned this morning.  Let's hope this is a one time thing. 
Are you showing yet?: Yes!
Best moment this week: Luke got to the gold level today at school.  It is a behavior chart with gold being the best behavior - he came home just as proud as could be with his little pencil.  He was so excited!  I asked him what made him get to gold yesterday and he said it was not talking and it is SUPER hard to not talk.  lol.  Love that kid. 
Movement: All the time.  I tell Luke we are going to have another soccer player!
Miss anything?: not feeling as big as a house - does that count?
Cravings: nothing really. 
Queasy or sick: nope
Nursery: lots to do in this area.... we are trying to do some house updates - paint and carpet, so I don't want to start getting things out until this is done.  ARGH!  Maybe we will start painting this weekend?  I got a quote from a painter today and I'm pretty sure it is not in the budget.
Latest doctor's appointment: Tuesday, 28 weeks.  Everything went okay while I was there.  My blood pressure is looking good.  I had my glucose test and failed.  I have an appt for tomorrow at 7:30AM, fasting for 12 hours before, and then I have to stay at the hospital for 3-4 hours.  I am not looking forward to not eating for 16 hours.  I can only imagine how HANGRY I am going to be. 
Next appointment: Next Dr. appt 9/21
Looking forward to: Labor Day weekend!  We will all benefit from a 3 day weekend.  Matt started back at school this week, so things haven't quite settled into a routine - we were just getting used to him being home! 

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