Thursday, September 24, 2015

31 week Bumpdate

Due date: 11/25/15
How far along: 31 weeks
Gender: BOY!
Maternity clothes: I'm wondering what it is like to have a waist?
Weight gain: Down 2 lbs at my appointment this week.  Total gain: +4
Sleep: Sleeping isn't going so well.  Every time I try to roll over I wake up.  Not to mention, I'm going to the bathroom a few times a night.  I've been going to bed around 8:45, so I guess I'm making up for not sleeping really well with trying to get extra hours in!  We are getting a new bed delivered today because Matt hasn't been sleeping very well.  Fingers crossed that Sleep Number Beds are amazing!
Workouts: workout shmirkout...I'm thinking I should just take this category and the stretch mark category out entirely...
Stretch Marks?: aplenty!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button In or out?: In, but it is quickly becoming flat. 
Wedding rings on or off?: wedding band on, engagement ring too tight
Pregnancy symptoms: None really.  I've had a little bit of swelling in my feet off and on, but nothing too bad.   
Are you showing yet?: Yes!
Best moment this week: Luke got to the gold level today at school.  It is a behavior chart with gold being the best behavior - he came home just as proud as could be with his little pencil.  He was so excited!  I asked him what made him get to gold yesterday and he said it was not talking and it is SUPER hard to not talk.  lol.  Love that kid. 
Movement: All the time.
Miss anything?: I miss wearing fitting pants and beer!
Cravings: Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin!  I want Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin bread...everything Pumpkin!
Queasy or sick:
Nursery: It is a disaster.  Once we get the new carpet, we will be able to start getting everything ready. 
Latest doctor's appointment: Monday, Sept. 21st.  30 weeks and some days at the appt.  Down two lbs!  Measured at 32 weeks, so I'm not entirely sure what that means?  Does that means that they think I'm going to go early?  Does that mean that I truly am as a big as a house?  Who knows!?
Next appointment: October 12th
Looking forward to: Picking the painter and getting the painting and carpet done!  However, I really really really need to pick the paint color...

Thursday, September 3, 2015

28 Week Bumpdate

Due date: 11/25/15
How far along: 28 weeks
Gender: BOY!
Maternity clothes: For the most part I have been getting by with my pregnancy clothes from when I was pregnant with Lucas and tops I already have in my closet.  I will admit that I got a few new pairs of jeans yesterday - my jeans from Luke just won't fit.  Nothing like a pregnant lady with her pants falling down!
Weight gain: I gained 3 more lbs this past month for a total of 6. 
Sleep: Sleeping really well.  Matt and Luke were so kind and bought me a body pillow and it has made a world of a difference.
Workouts: workout shmirkout...
Stretch Marks?: aplenty!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button In or out?: In
Wedding rings on or off?: wedding band on, engagement ring too tight
Pregnancy symptoms: Morning sickness returned this morning.  Let's hope this is a one time thing. 
Are you showing yet?: Yes!
Best moment this week: Luke got to the gold level today at school.  It is a behavior chart with gold being the best behavior - he came home just as proud as could be with his little pencil.  He was so excited!  I asked him what made him get to gold yesterday and he said it was not talking and it is SUPER hard to not talk.  lol.  Love that kid. 
Movement: All the time.  I tell Luke we are going to have another soccer player!
Miss anything?: not feeling as big as a house - does that count?
Cravings: nothing really. 
Queasy or sick: nope
Nursery: lots to do in this area.... we are trying to do some house updates - paint and carpet, so I don't want to start getting things out until this is done.  ARGH!  Maybe we will start painting this weekend?  I got a quote from a painter today and I'm pretty sure it is not in the budget.
Latest doctor's appointment: Tuesday, 28 weeks.  Everything went okay while I was there.  My blood pressure is looking good.  I had my glucose test and failed.  I have an appt for tomorrow at 7:30AM, fasting for 12 hours before, and then I have to stay at the hospital for 3-4 hours.  I am not looking forward to not eating for 16 hours.  I can only imagine how HANGRY I am going to be. 
Next appointment: Next Dr. appt 9/21
Looking forward to: Labor Day weekend!  We will all benefit from a 3 day weekend.  Matt started back at school this week, so things haven't quite settled into a routine - we were just getting used to him being home!