Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Dear Luke - Will you forget?

Will you forget?
Will you forget what it is like to be my only baby?
Will you forget what it was like to have mommy and daddy all to yourself? 
Will you forget what it is like to be spoiled continuously - not only by mommy and daddy, but by mawaw, poppaw, Aunt Ally, Aiden, Indigo, Mamaw, Aunt Tami, Aunt Tammy, Uncle Dave, Uncle Tim, Taylor, and Michael?
Will you ever forgive us for taking away your only child times?

Will you remember all the fun times we have had for the past 5 and a half years?  Will you forget all the times that I failed you as a mother - from forgetting diapers/wipes/outfits to letting you watch too much TV?  Will you forget?

Or will you remember that you are the one that made me, me?  Will you know that you have completely changed my world for the better?

Or will you not remember what it was like to be an only child?  Will having a little brother change you as well?  Will it be like he was always there, completing our family?

As I am two weeks away from my due date for your brother, I'm just scared.  Scared of how this will impact our little family unit.  In my heart I know that everything will work out, but I'm so desperately scared about how it will make YOU feel.