Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas Spirit, Where are you?

Lately I've just been feeling glum. 

There is so much going on with my work, Matt's work, Luke deciding to not nap anymore, etc...I just don't feel like I'm doing anything well...

My house looks like a disaster more often than not.
I can't ever find socks for Luke, because he likes to fling them across the room when he takes them off.
Laundry is a never ending pile and even if I do get it done, who has time to put it away?!?!
I get easily frustrated with a 4 year old that has decided naps are a thing of the past - UM, I still LOVE naps! 
Work is okay, but my boss is leaving so things are piling on me. 

I just need a break. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


With it being the day before Thanksgiving, I thought it would be a great opportunity to discuss with Luke what he was thankful for...

These were his answers:

I'm Thank you for my Mamaw (Matt's Mom) because she is picking me up (from school) and because I love her.

I'm thank you for mommy and daddy because they let me sleep in their bed.

I'm not thankful for the leaves coming off the trees because I didn't want them to fall off. 

His answers were so cute and so heartfelt.  My favorite part was that he couldn't quite get the word thankful down...

Now if only I could get him to sleep in his bed!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

4 Points for the WIN!!!!

4 Points for the WIN!!!!

Last Sunday was Luke's first basketball/practice game.  I can't even explain how excited Matt was about him starting to play basketball.  Of course, we had to go buy the $50 "strictly for basketball" shoes and we are on the lookout for button ups.  Apparently 4 year olds don't typically wear button ups - who woulda thought?  

Luke has requested a rubber band for his head...
Sound weird?

Make sense now?  Luke is hilarious.  He said he needs a rubber band for his head like Lebron.  

Back to the game....he got two baskets!!!
Matt was definitely beaming with pride.  His team got 16 points and the other team only got 4 points.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Hey There!

See those handsome cuties up there?  Yep, those are my boys.  They are my whole world - Lucas (4) and Matt.  Love them.  My name is Andrea, but I go by Ande.  We are living the dream in Cincinnati!

I'm hoping to use this blog as a way to document our life - so we can look back and have all these fantastic memories saved!